SHADOWGUN: DeadZone App Reviews

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aggiornatela per mac se no non riesco a giocare

it doesn’connect to matchmaking servers


Do not download

Game is overrun by hackers. DO Not wast your time until there is an update to fix this. I will revise if somthing changes. It a shame as this was a fun game.

Cheaters everywhere

This game is super fun like really on of the best free third person shooters I had ever played on the mac. I LOVE this game! But untill cheaters come and ruin it, its practically unplayable. Like SERIOUSLY you get shot when no ones around, you get stunned for no reason, and you just randomly die. Are some people on here just so noobish that they need cheats to kill? Or is it they just do it to piss people off? I understand people get frustrated sometimes when they get killed alot but seriously, cheating?? Hacking?? Making there guns fire ridiculously? One shotting players over and over?? I do enjoy this game but the annoying cheaters have to go. Please fix this!


i would give it a thumbs up if i had EMOJI.The game is awesome but i haven’t encountered any hackers yet…anyways please fix the issue when you like aim to go left and right well fix it when it like flickers like a little tiny bit of the screen glitches a bit But Anyways its a fun game i like to play with my freinds i just wish that you could fix another thing where when i connect my mac 13’’ inch 8 gb ram to my apple tv cause my screen is pretty small on my laptop and i have a 90’’ tv so when i connect it its so laggy and not the good graphics my laptop has so please fix it anyways whoever want to freind me my user on shadow gun is ShadowSniper234

Cheaters. Cheaters Everywhere.

First the game had a major problem with lag. Now there are so many hackers/cheaters that you can’t have fun playing anymore. If the issue is ever resolved I would change my rating to 3 or 4 stars. I still wouldn’t rate this game as 5 stars because there have been so many problems and there is no telling what the next problem will be. However, the game is fun, if no one is cheating, but I have now gone 3 consecutive days without having a single game where someone wasn’t cheating. I wish I could get my time and money back. Every post you may have read on here about cheaters is correct. On a side note, I guess I could bump up the rating another star since it has made me quit playing and get some work done.


This game was pretty fun. Really good for a free game. But then all the players started cheating. invisible people just shoot you! You can’t even freaking see them!

Great Free FPS!

Fast gameplay, solid progression in your character. High levels don’t dominate low levels, the guns you get at higher ranks really just give you the ability to fit your play style more, rather than give you an iwin button. Hackers are an issue every now and then, but not enough for me to get upset about it.

TOO many cheaters!!! Do not download this game!

Too many cheaters in this game. They can go through obstcals, they can go out side of map, they can hit down 100 yards away, they can hit you even they can not see you………. This game is great! BUT, now, it has been ruined by cheaters. Do not waste your time in downloading this game. Some time, I can only find one who do not cheat, myself. So, I have no reason to continue playing this game.

Not connected

Hey it says im not connected to matchmakin g server… What does that mean? Anyone?

Fix your servers, not able to play anymore

For a while this game used to be fun, even with the cheaters… but then one day I tried to start a match and it hung at the screen saying that it would join the game. I tried multiple times, even uninstalling the app didn’t help. I also noticed that for a while before, there would be this thing that would happen where everyone would start moving arond all jerkily with their hands out to their sides like the christ the redeemer statue in Brazil. Only I would still be able to shoot, but the bullets would go through the people. Then the game froze and I was forced to quit. This game definitely doesn’t belong in the “Great Free Apps” collection. It’s past its glory days and is no longer appealing, not to mention even stable. So, if I were you, just go buy Call of Duty: Black Ops and play something you can actually play.

Was a great game, but plagued by cheaters.

This was one of the best Mac App Store games at one point until it was made available in Brazil and now it’s plagued by south american cheaters and hackers.

Keep dying of “suicide"

I like this game and play it quite a bit on my iPad. Thought I’d give it a shot on my Mac and the game kills me (suicide) because “it seems I’m not playing fair”. This happens occasionally on my iPad but occurs every 20 or 30 seconds or so on my Mac—it’s unplayable.


Too many hackers, game always freezes/lags/crashes, terrible graphics Waste of time

Full of Cheaters

Not worth playing until they fix the cheating.

Problem with login

Can’t login into my existing account — error, Can’t restore password — error, Can’t create new account — button disabled.

Pretty fun, but has issues.

This is a pretty fun game. That’s all I’ll say about the first part of the title. As for the problems… It’s really hard to aim. Unlike most games which take your mouse and translate its motion directly into aim movement, this one tries to do some weird thing that causes it to be jittery and very unresponsive at times. Also, the graphics, even when set to “ultra-high,” are sub-par. I’m totally fine with mediocre graphics, but you really shouldn’t have an ultra-high option if they don’t look like other games’ ultra graphics. Finally, the control scheme is really messed up. You can’t jump, you can’t crouch, I ocasionally take cover in completely random situations without even doing anything, and meelee attack is the same as shooting your weapon; it just happens when you’re close up. Bottom line: It’s a pretty good game, but you probably won’t have very much fun if you have experience with first person or third person shooters.

This game is rigged!!

Almost everytime I play I commit suicide just by walking! Also there are glitches like when I punch someone they fall a second later. Also by walking I get banned or am blaimed for playing unfair

upgrade how

how the hell do i upgrade because it just keeps telling me it needs to be upgrade but how where?


On 4/21/2015 the game started advising that you can’t play it unless you upgrade to the newest version. There is no new version accessible from links, or the App Store. It’s a puzzle :)) Idiots. It’s an interesting concept, but the game has been totally taken over by hackers. Various types of cheating occur in almost every game, making it nearly pointless to try to compete. Pity, since a lot of work seems to have gone into it. Play for fun, but not worth spending money here, unless perhaps you are a hacker yourself.