Which weapon would you use in shadow gun? Not the sniper as for one problem it doesnt have a scope but a aiming field which the bullet goes out of. This applies to both guns and i reccomend a shotgun and machine gun combo for short mid and long range firing giving really good bullet spread. Plasmas are ok but for me they feel off and RPG deal less damage than a shotgun which is odd considering that the weakest shotgun does 180 damage comared to the max ever 165.(It could be more but its way below 180.) If you miss with a shotgun firing the next shot is instant while RPG holds one and doesnt do any splas damage. And once you really get good stuff a noob comes and melts you with a assault rifle. I reccomend machine gun simply because of more ammo. Even with all of these game glitches it’s still fun as hell. But the hackers are just people who used mod meus and don’t even get banned for having a unfair advantage that is interfiering with the malware of this game. Having a keyboard and mouse on a console is unfair but ifinite health invisibility and faster running is clearly more helpful than some piece of equipment. I request of you developers to add a sight, add recoil to the guns because really have any of you just went into a room and blindly fired at some people, in real life it wouldn’t work but in this game recoil is so controllaboe you can control recoil by ignoring it in the first place. And lastly i want to report people and then you take action to ban the hackers. But there is tow last things 1.I want and that is to aim becuase this game punishes you fro trying to aim and says go run and gun. Run and gun works and pop a resistance buff and its OP. 2.Nerf damage resistance. Its good to be a one man army. This however makes you a tank and in the right hands a GOD. These are the things that need fixing shotguns,smgs,assault rifles, RPG, aiming, banning hackers and nerfing damage resistance.
Butter those about SHADOWGUN: DeadZone, v2.2.2